Wednesday, November 12, 2014

My favorite movie

Hi guys, today we have to talk about our favorite movie so I'm going to talk to you about Les Choristes (The Chorus in English, Los Cristas or Los Chicos del Coro in Spanish).
Well, Les Choristes is a French movie from 2004 directed by Christophe Barratier and based on the 1945 film La Cage aux Rossignols.  
The story begins when Pierre Morhange (Jacques Perrin),a successful orchestra conductor,  returns to France when his mother dies.When an old friend and classmate, Pèpinot (Didier Flarmand), comes to his house, both man remember their childhood in the boarding school Fond de L'Etang -for "difficult boys"- , reading the diary written by their old music teacher  Clèment Mathieu (Gèrard Jugnot) in 1949. When teacher Mathieu arrives to the school, he assembles a choir as an alternative to the authoritarian practices to discipline boys. With his teaching the children have a physical transformation and Pierre discovers his musical talent. 

I have to say that my favorite part is when Mr. Mathieu lets Pierre sing in the performance of the chorus after being punished  for his bad attitude. 

I like the movie because it is very emotional, I like the way Mr. Mathieu finds to get close to the kids and shows them love. Oh! and the soundtrack is beautiful! 
I think there is nothing I would change, I think the movie is perfect just the way it is :) 

If you like the movies about teaching  and music, I recommend you to watch this film, you won't regret!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Hi, guys! :D 

The first topic of this semester will be about "a place I would like to go", so I'm going to dream a little and say that I would love to visit (or live) in Italy <3 Since I watched the movie "Letters to Juliet", I want to go there and spend hours and days going all over the fields contemplating the landscape and watch the sunset in the cliffs, even jump to the sea in parachute! 

But I'm not thinking in the biggest cities or touristic places -although I would like to visit there too-, I would like to know rural and little places. 

I do not speak Italian but like the language, and even I don't know much about the culture itself, I think  it would be interesting to learn both things.  

I really hope to get there -and  stay forever- someday. 

Have a nice week! 

II Semester 2014, level IV

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A place to eat

Hello again :D

The topic of this week is food! Well, actually not the food but a place to eat. 
I’m not vegetarian or nothing at all, so I eat of everything except vegetables as beans or lentils, I don’t like them xd

Anyway, I love eating, especially desserts. I love sweet things with a lot of sugar.

I have no favorite place to eat, mainly because I know none. But when I go out with my friends we always end in a small cafeteria or in a gelato. Bravissimo and Alegretto are our favorites when we are in the center or in the mall, we buy ice cream giant glasses and spend hours talking about everything.  In both gelatos have so many flavors to chose, it’s like heaven :3 also we can buy cakes or natural juice…it’s wonderful. I’m sure that you have been at least in one of these places, if you don’t…well, what are you waiting for?? Ice cream are great even in winter :D

I guess that this can’t be more longer and I couldn’t complete the 200 words and now I’m filling out with nothing and blah blah :P

Well, that’s it for today.

Have a great week!



Hi guys!
I forgot to do the last work, so I’m gonna do it now xd

I have to say that it was difficult this thing of the “free post”, I had no idea what to talking about and actually I’m not sure yet, but here I go.

In the last few weeks I’ve been thinking about a lot of thing about myself and what I want to my life. I'm crazy about books, I like magic stories, the adventures…so, I guess is that what I want: a life worth telling. To live a billion of things and remember each one of them, the good ones and the bad ones –actually that’s why I have a diary :P – So, with that in mind I made a list. Did you watch the movie “The Bucket List” with Morgan Freeman? Yes? No? well, whatever xd I made a list with all the things I want to live before to die –and I forbade myself to die until do all of them, and they are so many that I could be immortal xdd –

I like to learn a lot of dances: tango, bachata, salsa, jazz funk…also, I like to learn to sing. Marcial arts, travel with friends, jump in bungee, skydiving, delta wings….Most of this are thing that scare me a lot, but I think that would be a great experience….an adventure.

I always think of something to add, so I hope that my life will be really, really long :D

I hope you’ve enjoy this topic. Make your own list! It would be funny :D


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My career

Hi, guys!

Has been a while since the last time I wrote here. But here I am once again and today I’m going to talking about -drumroll- my career!!  :D

So  I’m gonna start saying that when I was in high school I wanted to be a Detective xd. I was so fan of CSI that all I wanted was to be like those guys. But then I realized that I don’t like blood, I have nauseas when I see a huge wound, so there was no way that work out for me.

After that “discovery” I had no idea of what to do with my life after the school. And then I watched Criminal Minds and I realized that psychology was a good way to approach of being a detective –yes, I have a lot of t.v. influence xd-

Today I’m not sure of want to be a detective some day or even a forensic psychologist, because I’m still thinking that it’s not my area. In fact I don’t know which my area is, because I like a lot of things and subjects and some may be contradictories. Oh-oh I’m confused :C 

What I do know is that the psychology students need to more practice tools. There are a million of theories and all are important and interesting, but that is not enough. We need to apply, we need to do something concrete with the theory.

I think that the role of the psychologist is to know the people as human and help them to know themselves. The psychologist has the tools to help people to live with their problems, to understand it and get over it when they become an impediment for the daily. At least until they can do it by themselves, then we will be not necessary.

Well, that’s it for today  :D
